Hi. I'm Laurell Seville.

I'm a Software Engineer who builds websites and mobile applications

Learn about what I do

Here's all the stuff I do.

These are all the programming languages and frameworks I use.

Javascript Development

I build Rest and Graphql api's using Nodejs. I also build websites using Reactjs and apps using React Native

Java Development

I Build Rest API's using the Spring Boot Framework.

C# Development

I Build Rest API's using Microsoft ASP.NET Core

Here’s some stuff I worked on recently.

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Marcus Garvey Scholarship Portal

This is a website that allows public sector employees within the Jamaican Government to apply for fully financed Graduate Scholarships.

Talawa Mobile App

A Mobile Project Management Application for Organizations. This application was built in Dart and Flutter on the front end with a Graphql API on the back end written in Javascript


This is a website that allows tenants to view listings and home owners to host list their homes as being for rent.

Have me make stuff for you.

Always feel free to contact me

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